Thursday, July 31, 2008


So I lied. I thought, "Once we pick a reception site, things will calm down." I actually said as such, right here. Well I lied.

But I didn't do it on purpose. I meant for things to slow down.... honest I did. But in doing some cursory research on DJ's and Photographers - I realized, again, that more than half of the people we called were booked! So slow down I am not, at least not quite yet. But I can't lie - I'm having fun with it.

We did bunches of research about photographers, and have been casually looking at them for a bit now. I got serious with it this week with a long perusal of this site. I really like the photojournalist style of wedding photographers and I knew that was going to be a major deciding factor in who we went with. This page was such a great resource - it quickly gave me a huge list of possibilities and was very up front with costs and capabilities. I was very impressed.

We've narrowed down our choices to two photographers. They have similar price ranges and styles, and we're going to set up appointments with them next month. (See I can say "next month" all casually like I'm taking my time... when really, next month starts tomorrow....)

Our two choices are Geoff Forester:

and Amy Root Donle:

I think they are both so talented - and they find the prettiest moments. What do you think? Do you like one more than the other?


Unknown said...

They both look like they do a good job! Also - the postcard I found at 900 had a photo like this. I was super impressed. Her name is Amanda Garabrant,
The website isn't awesome, and she only has one wedding up there. The photos look nice, though, so I thought I would pass it along if you're interested.

just melissa is fine said...

I like the photo by Amy better. And you seen to have luck with Amy's. :)